Narration এর নিয়ম

Narration এর নিয়ম

Narration পারতে হলে আগে এই ৪ টি জিনিস জানতে হবে।

1. Sentence চেনার উপায় ।

2. Sentence এর পরিবর্তন ।

3. Person এর পরিবর্তন ।

4. Verb এর পরিবর্তন ।

1. Sentence চেনার উপায় ।

1.Assertive= Subject প্রথমে থাকলে শেষে fullstop থাকবে।
যেমন: Tanvir Anam is my son.

2.Interrogative= Wh Question +Auxiliary Verb অথবা Auxiliary Verb প্রথমে থাকলে । শেষে ? চিহ্ন থাকবে।
যেমন: Where are you going ? Are you eating?

3.Imperative= Present Form, Don’t/Never+Present Form, Please, Kindly, Let প্রথমে থাকলে ।
যেমন: See it.Don’t call there.Please sit down.

4.Optative= May প্রথমে থাকলে । শেষে Full Stop. থাকবে।
যেমন: May you live long.

5.Exclamatory= What a/an, How+adjective, Hurrah,Alas ইত্যাদি থাকলে । শেষে ( ! ) Exclamation চিহ্ন থাকবে।

যেমন: What a fine boy you are!

Said to এর জায়গা —– Comma এর জায়গা
1.Assertive= told—–that

2.Interrogative= asked—-if/wh question

3.Imperative= present form হলে
ordered —to

don’t/never হলে prohibited— not to

please/kindly হলে requested—to

উপদেশ হলে advised—to

Let থাকলে proposed to—that (might)

4.Optative= wished/prayed—that

5.Exclamatory= exclaimed with joy—that
exclaimed with sorrow—that

3. Person এর পরিবর্তন ।

First Person – Reporting Verb এর Subject অনুসারে

Second Person- Reporting Verb এর Object

Third Person- Reporting verb এর subject অনুসারে

4. Verb এর পরিবর্তন ।

Reported speech যদি
1.present indefinite হলে past indefinite হবে।
2.present continuous হলে past continuous হবে।
3.present perfect হলে past perfect হবে।
4.past indefinite হলে past perfect হবে।
5.past continious হলে past perfect continuous হবে।
6.past perfect হলে no change
7.Universal truth /habitual fact to tense হলে no change
8.Reporting verb যদি present /future tense হয় তাহলে reported speech এর tenseএর কোনো change হবেনা।

am,is,are- হলে -was,were হবে।
was,were- হলে -had been হবে।
can- হলে -could হবে।
may- হলে -might হবে।
shall-হলে-should হবে।
will- হলে -would হবে।
must-হলে-had to হবে।
did- হলে -had পরের verb টি VPP
do/does প্রশ্নের সময় উঠে যায় ।

পরিবর্তন হয় না

For example:

Direct: Kabir said to Shawan, ”I write a letter.”
Indirect: Kabir told Shawan that he wrote a letter.

1. Sentence চেনার উপায় =Sentence টি assertive
2. Sentence এর পরিবর্তন =said এর জায়গায় told — comma এর that
3. Person এর পরিবর্তন =I first person Subject kabir তাই he হয়েছে।
4. Verb এর পরিবর্তন = present form–past form হয়েছে। said (past tense)এর স্থানে say/shall,will(present/future) হলে 4নং Verb এর কোন পরিবর্তন হবে না

For example
Direct: Kabir says to Shawan, ”I write a letter.” Indirect: Kabir tells Shawan that he writes a letter.

Narration পরিবর্তনের নিয়মঃSentence অনুসারে

1.Assertive sentence:

Assertive sentence কে indirect speech-এ রুপান্তরের সময় Reporting verb say/said, or tell/told (object যদি থাকে) বসে । Inverted comma উঠে গিয়ে conjunction “that” বসে । Reported Speech এর subject + verb + Extension.

Direct: The teacher said to me, “You are wrong”.
Indirect: The teacher said to me that i was wrong.

Direct: Ruma said, “My father would go home tomorrow”.
Indirect: Ruma said that her father would go home tomorrow.

2) Interrogative Sentence:

Reporting verb টি ‘ask’ ‘enquire of’ ‘want to know’ ‘demand’ ‘wonder’ ইত্যাদিতে পরিবর্তিত হয়। Reported Speech যদি Auxiliary verb (do, does, did, shall, will, am, is, are, was, were, can, may ইত্যাদি) দ্বারা আরম্ভ হয় আর্থাৎ সংক্ষেপে “yes” বা “no” দ্বারা উত্তর দেওয়া যায় তবে Reported speech এর পূর্বে that না বসিয়া if/whether বসাতে হয়। Sentence টি Interrogative এর পরিবর্তে Assertive sentence -এ রুপান্তিত হয়।

Direct: He said to me, “Are you reading my book?”
Indirect: He asked me if i was reading his book.

Reported Speech যদি Interrogative pronoun (who, whom, whose, what, which ইত্যাদি) বা Interrogative adverb (why, where, how, when ইত্যাদি) দ্বারা আরম্ভ হয় তবে if/whether বসে না, ঐ শব্দটিই বসে। Sentence টি Interrogative এর পরিবর্তে Assertive sentence -এ রুপান্তিত হয়।

Direct: He said to his father, “What are you doing?” Indirect: He asked his father what he was doing.

3) Imperative Sentence:

এক্ষেএে Reporting verb -টি অনুরোধ বুঝালে request, আদেশ বুঝালে order/command, উপদেশ বুঝালে advise অন্যথায় tell দ্বারা পরিবর্তিত হয় + Inverted comma উঠে গিয়ে to বসে + Reported speech-এর মূল verb থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত বসে।

Direct: He said to me, “ Please give me a glass of water.”
Indirect: He requested me to give him a glass of water.

Imperative Sentence-টি যদি negative হয় তবে reporting verb এর পরে not বসে এবং তার পর to বসে।

Direct: He said to me, “ don’t do this.”
Idirect: He told to me not to do that.

Imperative sentence-এ direct speech-এ কাউকে সম্বোধন করা হলে নিচের নিয়ম এর সাহায্যে indirect speech-এ রূপান্তর করতে হয়।

Structure: Addressing + Reporting verb-এর object(যদি থাকে) + as + যাকে/যাদেরকে সম্বোধন করা হইয়াছে সে শব্দটি + reporting verb-এর subject + reporting verb + to + reported speech এর মূল verb থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত।

Direct: He said to them, “Friends help me.”
Indirect: Addressing them as friends, he requested them to help him.

Imperative sentence এর direct speech-এ Sir থাকলে indirect করার সময় Sir এর পরিবর্তে respectfully ব্যবহৃত হয়।

Direct: The boy said to the teacher, “ Sir, lend me your book please.”
Indirect: The boy requested the teacher respectfully to lend him(b) his(t) book.

Let এর পরে us থাকলে indirect করার সময় reporting verb-টি পরিবর্তে হয়ে propose/suggest হয় + inverted comma উঠে গিয়ে that বসে + they/we + should বসে + reported speech এর মূল verb থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত বসে।

Note: Reporting verb এর Subject third person হলে that এর পর we বসে এবং reporting verb এর subject first person হলে that এর পরে they বসে।

Direct: We said to the chairman, “Let us drop the matter.”
Indirect: We proposed the chairman dropping the matter.

Direct: I said to him, “Let us play.”
Indirect: I suggest playing.

Let দ্বারা প্রস্তাব না বুঝালে reporting verb টি পরিবর্তন হয় না inverted comma উঠে that বসে+ reported verb এর subject পুনরায় বসে + might + reporting speech-এর মূল verb থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত বসে।

Direct: Kamal said to me, “Let him say whatever he likes.”
Indirect: Kamal told me that he might say whatever he liked.

4) Optative Sentence:

Reporting verb-এর পরিবর্তে wish or pray বসে + Inverted comma উঠে গিয়ে that বসে + Reported speech -এর subject বসে + may/might + Reported speech -এর মূল verb থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত বসে।

Direct: Father said to me, “May you pass the examination.”
Indirect: Father prayed that i might pass the examination.

Direct: The teacher said to the student, “May Allah blesses you.”
Indirect: The teacher wished that Allah might bless the student.

5)Exclamatory Sentence:

Direct Speech দ্বারা আনন্দ বুঝালে Reporting verb পরিবর্তিত হয়ে exlaim/
exlaimed with joy আর দুঃখ বুঝালে exclaim/exclaimed with sorrow or grief ইত্যাদি হয় + Inverted comma উঠে that বসে + reported speech আর subject + reporting verb অনুযায়ী reported peech আর verb বসে + very/great + adjective বসে + বাকি অংশ।

Direct: The man said, “Alas! I am undone.”
Indirect: The man exclaimed with sorrow that he was undone.

Reported Speech how বা what দ্বারা শুরু হলে অর্থাৎ Sentence এর শুরুতে আতিশয্য বুঝালে Indirect Narration করার সময় উক্ত How/What এর পরিবর্তে very, much, great ইত্যাদি ব্যবহার করতে হয়।

Direct: Silva said, “What a fine bird it is.”
Indirect: Silva exclaimed with joy that it was a very fine bird

Extra কিছু নিয়মঃ

i)must সাধারনতঃ “had to” তে রুপান্তরিত হয়।

Direct: Nafisa said, “ I must write a letter”.
Indirect: Nafisa said that she had to write a letter.

ii) First person must এ must কোন ভবিষ্যৎ কাজের দ্বারা বাধ্যবাধকতা বুঝাতে Indirect speech-এ would have to তে রুপান্তিত হয়।

Direct: He said, “We must leave the house if the rent is increased.”
Indirect: He said that they would have to leave the house if the rent was increased.

iii) কিন্তু চিরকালিন বাধ্যবাধকতা বুঝালে must-এর কোন পরিবর্তন হয় না।

Direct: Father said to his son, “ You must obey your teachers”.
Indirect: Father said to his son that he must obey his teachers.

iv) Reported speech কোন Universal truth(চিরন্তন সত্য) or habitual fact(অভ্যাসগত কর্ম) প্রকাশ করলে verb-এর কোন পরিবর্তন হয় না।

Direct: He said, “The earth moves round the sun.”
Indirect: He said that the earth moves round the sun.

v) Reporting verb হিসেবে “say” বা “tell”-এর ব্যবহার।
Reported verb হিসেবে “say” Direct এবং Indirect উভয় Speech-এই ব্যবহৃত হয়। তবে indirect speech এ say ব্যবহার না করাই ভাল। Reporting verb হিসেবে tell সাধারনত direct narration এ ব্যবহৃত হয় না। Tell এর পর অবশ্যই একটি indirect (ব্যক্তিবাচক) object বসাতে হবে। say এর পর যদি object বসাতে হয় তবে object এর পূর্বে to বসে। tell এর পর to বসে না।

Direct: Roky said to Jak, “ I like to read novels.”
Indirect: Roky told Jak that he liked to read novels.

vi) নৈকট্য সূচক শব্দগুলো Indirect speech এ পরিবর্তিত হয়ে দূরত্ব সূচক শব্দে পরিনত হয়।

Direct =Indirect This=That
Today=That day
Yesterday=The previous day
Ago= before
Last month= The previous month
To night=That night
Last night= The previous night
Next week=The following week
Now= Then

vii) Direct Speech এ “Thank you” থাকলে তাকে Indirect করার নিয়মঃ

Structure: sub + thank/thanked + reporting verb এর obj

Direct: He said to me, “Thank you”
Indirect: He thanked me.

viii) “Good bye” যুক্ত Direct speech কে Indirect করার নিয়মঃ

Structure: Sub + bid/bade + obj + goodbye

Direct: He said, “Good bye my friends”.
Indirect: He bade his friend’s good bye.

ix) Direct Speechএ Good morning/Good evening/Good night থাকলে indirect করার নিয়মঃ

Structure: sub+ wish/wised + obj + good morning/evening/night

Direct: I said to him, “Good morning.”
Indirect: I wished him good morning.

x) Reporting verb ও তার subject এবং object উল্লেক না থাকলে The speaker said to the person spoken to লিখে Indirect Speech-এ রূপান্তর করতে হয়।

Direct: “I shall meet you tomorrow”.
Indirect: The speaker said to the person spoken to that he would meet him the next day.

Narration পরিবর্তনের নিয়মঃTense অনুসারেঃ

a). Direct speech এর reporting verb present tense, present perfect tense, Future Tense এর হলে Reported Speech এর verb এর tense এর কোন পরিবর্তন হয় না। কেবল person পরিবর্তন হয়।
Direct: He says, “I am ill.”
Indirect: He says that he is ill.

b). Reporting verb টি past tense হলে Reported speech এর verb পরিবর্তিত হয়ে Corresponding past tense হয়।

Note: Direct Speech থেকে Indirect Speech এ করার নিয়ম নিচে দেখানো হল:
Direct Indirect:

Present Indefinite Tense:

He said, “I write a letter.”
He said that he wrote a letter.

Present Continuous Tense:

He said, “I am reading.”
He said that he was reading

Present Perfect Tense:

She said, “I have done my duty.
She said that she had done her duty

Present Perfect Continuous Tense:

They said, “We have been working for two hours.”
They said that they had been working for two hours.

Past Indefinite Tense:

He said, “I wrote a letter.”
He said that he had written a letter.

Past Continuous Tense:

Molly said, “I was reading.”
Molly said that she had been reading.

Past Perfect Tence:

Bellal said ti me, ”you had eaten”
Bellal said to me that I had eaten.

Future Tense:

She said to me, “I shall help you.”
She said that she would help me


Narration পরিবর্তনের নিয়মঃ Modal Verb:

Direct >>>Indirect:


Rita said to me, “You will go home tomorrow.”
‘would’ Rita said to me that I would go home next day.


Refat said, “I shall do the work.”
Refat said that she would to the work.


He said, “I can finish the work.”
He said that he could finish the work.


Pritam said, “I may go to school”.

Pritam said that he might go to school.

Wish, would, rather, sooner, it is high time এর পর unreal past tense অপরিবর্তিত থাকে।

Direct: He said, “It is time we left the place.
Indirect: He said that it was time they left the place.

Indirect speech এ “had better” 1st person এবং third person এর সহিত অপরিবর্তিত থাকে। কিন্তু second person-এর সহিত had better অপরিবর্তিত থাকতে পারে অথবা নিম্নলিখিত উপায়ে পরিবর্তিত হতে পারে।

Direct: He said to me,”You had better go”.
Indirect: He said to me that i had better go.

might, ought to, should, would, used to, indirect speech এ অপরিবর্তিত থাকে।

Direct: I said to him,”You might go”.
Indirect: I said to him that he might go.

If i were you, I should/would… ” দ্বারা উপদেশ বুঝালে indirect করার সময়

subject+advise+object+to+reported speech এর verb বসে।

Direct: I said to him,” If i were you, i should wait”.
Indirect: I advised him to want.

Narration পরিবর্তনের নিয়মঃ Person অনুসারে 

Reported speech-এর অন্তর্গত First Person সর্বদা Reporting verb- এর Subject- এর person অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তিত হয়।

Direct: He said to me,” I had done my duty”.
Indirect: He said to me that he had done his duty.

Reported Speech -এর অন্তর্গত Second person সর্বদা Reporting verb -এর object- এর person অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তিত হয়।

Direct: He said to me, “you have done your duty”.
Indirect: He said to me that I have done my duty.

Reported Speech -এর অন্তর্গত Third Person এর কোন পরিবর্তন হয় না।

Direct: I said to you, “ He has done his duty”.
Indirect: I said to you that he had done his duty.


i) We দ্বারা মানবজাতি বুঝালে first person হওয়া সত্তে ও indirect speech এ তার পরিবর্তন হয় না।

Direct: The teacher said, “ We are mortal,”
Indirect: The teacher said that we are mortal.

ii) We যদি বক্তা(speaker) ও যাকে উদ্দেশ্য করে (person spoken to) উভয়কে বুঝায় তবে Indirect Speech -এ তার কোন পরিবর্তন হয় না।

Direct: He said to me, “We should do our duty.”
Indirect: He said to me that we should do our duty.


Passage narration এর নিয়মঃ

Rule-1: Reported speech-এর মধ্যে কোনো ব্যক্তি বা প্রাণীর নাম ধরে ডাকার ব্যবহার থাকলে তা reporting verb এর সঙ্গে সংযুক্ত হবে।

i. He said, ‘Sheba, do not quarrel.’
Answer: He forbade Sheba to quarrel.

ii. They said, ‘Heru, you will attend the meeting.’ Answer: They said to Heru that he would attend the meeting.

iii. Kamal said, ‘Nizam, do you know me?’
Answer: Kamal asked Nizam if he knew him.

iv. ‘Where did you go yesterday, Shuli ?’ said Apu. Answer: Apu asked Shuli where she had gone the previous day.

v. She said, ‘Will you go to college, Apurba?’ Answer: She asked Apurba if he would go to college.

Rule-2: Reporting verb-টি মাঝে বা শেষে থাকলেও indirect করার সময় তাকে sentence-এর শুরুতে নিয়ে আসতে হবে।

i. ‘You look a little bit like my mother’, Jerry said to the authoress, ‘Especially in the dark by the fire.’
Answer: Jerry said to the authoress that she looked a little bit like his mother especially in the dark by the fire.

ii. ‘Follow my example,’ she said to me, ‘and never eat more than one thing for luncheon.’
Answer: She advised me to follow her example and never to eat more than one thing for luncheon.

iii. ‘I have made a terrible mistake,’ said the
man, ‘I have forgotten to pay my exam fee’.
Answer: The man said that he had made a terrible mistake and added that he had forgotten to pay his exam fee.

iv. ‘You will come to college regularly,’ the teacher said to the students, ‘otherwise, you will not understand it.’
Answer: The teacher said to the students that they would go to college regularly, otherwise, they would not understand it.

Rule-3: পরপর দুটি উক্তি থাকলে also said/and added/also asked হয়। কিন্তু ৩টি উক্তি থাকলে also added /further added/again said ইত্যাদি ব্যবহার করতে হয়।

i. Jerry said, ‘I can chop some wood today. I shall come again tomorrow’.
Answer: Jerry said that he could chop some wood that day and added that he would go again the next day.

ii. She said to me, ‘What is your name. Where do you live?’
Answer: She asked me what my name was and also asked where I lived.

iii. He said to us, ‘I came here yesterday. I will go to Sirajgonj tomorrow.’
Answer: He said to us that he had gone there the previous day and added that he would go to Sirajgonj the next day.

iv. The man said to me, ‘I will come here tomorrow. I will finish this work as soon as possible.’
Answer: The man said to me that he would go there the next day and added that he would finish that work as soon as possible.

Rule-4: Yes/no থাকলে যথাক্রমে replied in the affirmative that এবং replied in the negative that ব্যবহার করতে হয়।

i. ‘Yes, I have finished reading the book,’ I replied.
Answer: I replied in the affirmative that I had finished reading the book.

ii. She said, ‘No, I have not seen him today.’
Answer: She replied in the negative that she had not seen him that day.

iii. Jhumu said to Mitu, ‘Are you going to Pabna tomorrow?’ ‘No, I have changed my decision,’ said Mitu.
Answer: Jhumu asked Mitu if she was going to Pabna the next day. Mitu replied in the negative that she had changed her decision.

iv. The man said to his son, ‘Are you ill.’ ‘No, I am not ill,’ replied the son.
Answer: The man asked his son if he was ill. The son replied in the negative that he was not ill.

Rule-5: Sir/Madam-থাকলে respectfully ব্যবহার করতে হয় বা told/replied অর্থাৎ যা থাকবে তার শেষে with respect.

i. ‘Yes, sir,’ she replied, ‘I have done my duty.’
Answer: She respectfully replied in the affirmative that she had done her duty.
or She replied in the affirmative with respect that she had done her duty

ii. Looking at my hands the beggar said, ‘Madam, please give me your cardigan.’
Answer: Looking at my hands the beggar respectfully requested me to give him my cardigan.

iii. The student replied, ‘No, I have not learnt my lessons today, Sir.’
Answer: The student respectfully replied in the negative that he had not learnt his lessons that day.

iv. The man said, ‘Yes, Madam, I have completed the work.’
Answer: The man respectfully replied in the affirmative that he had completed the work.

Rule-6: যদি কাউকে address করা হয় তবে addressing as brother/sister/friend দিয়ে শুরু করতে হয়।

i. ‘Are you hungry, brothers?’ said the wise king.
Answer: Addressing as brother the wise king asked if they were hungry.

ii. The captain said, ‘My friends, be always ready to face our enemy.’
Answer: Addressing as friend the captain ordered them to be always ready to face their enemy.

iii. ‘Dear friends,’ the patriot said, ‘Listen to me.’
Answer: Addressing as dear friend the patriot advised to listen to him.

Rule-7: by Allah/by God ইত্যাদি থাকলে swearing by Allah/swearing by God ইত্যাদি ব্যবহার করতে হয়।

i. ‘By Allah,’ he replied, ‘I will not leave this house.’
Answer: Swearing by Allah he replied that he would not leave that house.

ii. ‘By God,’ she replied, ‘I will not go to London.’
Answer: Swearing by God she replied that she would not go to London.

iii. ‘By Allah, we will play in this field,’ the boys said.
Answer: Swearing by Allah the boys said that they would play in that field.

iv. She said, ‘By Jove, I will come here tomorrow.’
Answer: Swearing by Jove she said that she would go there the next day.

Rule-8: Present participle অপরিবর্তিত অবস্থায় শুরুতে বসে।

i. ‘Are you brothers?’ asked the mistress of the house, turning to the dervishes.
Answer: Turning to the dervishes the mistress of the house asked if they were brothers.

ii. ‘Why have you come here?’ said Mr. Kamal turning to the stranger.
Answer: Turning to the stranger Mr. Kamal asked why he had gone there.

iii. ‘Why have you not learnt your lessons?’ the teacher asked the students coming to the class.
Answer: Coming to the class the teacher asked the students why they have not learnt their lessons.

Rule-9. thanks দিলে হবে

a.Rahim said,”thanks sir”
answer :Rahim thanked his teacher with respect.

Complication: Mostafizar Moshtak

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